Activities by ESRs

Third Year

Article in Science in School, "The blood -brain barrier: guardian of the brain", Editorial Issue 42, December 2017, by Yun Jiang

Participation at WWU Open Lab day, "Türöffner-Tag der Sendung mit der Maus", Presentation of cell culture and imaging samples to children and parents in a interactive and practical manner, Münster, Germany, 3rd October 2017 by E. Omar Chuquisana

Participation in a science Slam at "Brain Week", University of Bern, 15th March 2017 by Mariana Mota Castro Dias

Participation at WWU Open Lab day,"Türöffner-Tag der Sendung mit der Maus", Presentation of cell culture and imaging samples to children and parents in a interactive and practical manner, Münster, Germany, 3rd October 2016 by E. Omar Chuquisana

Active participation at European Researchers´ Night, University of Brescia, 30th September 2016 by Mariana Coelho da Mota

Representation of the Nencki Institute at the 20th Warsaw Science Festival, 24th September to 2nd October 2016, Warsaw, Poland, by Wenson David Rajan Karunakaran

CiM Public Exhibition "Inner Worlds from Macro to Micro", Participation of the lab with some images, April 2016, Münster, Germany, by E. Omar Chuquisana

Presentation "Early markers of microglial activation and neural distress" at the Marie Curie General Assembly 2016, 4th to 5th March 2016, Venice, Italy by Nozha Borjini

second year

Interview in UEF Bulletin 1/2016 "Networking against Neuroinflammation", January 2016, by Meike Keuters and Natalia Kolosowska

Talk, 1 h,  "Scientific research, the possibilities of career development in the field and funding from the EU", E.Amaldi Scientific High School, Alzano Lombardo, Italy, 25th January 2016, by Mattia Gallizioli

Talk 1 h, "The world of a Marie Curie Ph.D - my experience", Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo",Italy, 16th January 2016,  by Claudio Derada Troletti

Workshop lead at Biomedical Students Symposium, University of Freiburg, 17th October 2015, by Marta Joana Costa Jordao

Active participation at European Researchers´ Night, University of Brescia, 25th September 2015 by Mariana Coelho da Mota

Poster Presentation, "Angels or Demons: Inflammation in Brain Endothelium", Uni im Dialog, University of Lübeck, 10th June 2015, by Yun Jiang

Poster presentation at BrainLab@Unibs, UniBsDays, University of Brescia, 8th -9th May 2015, by Mariana Coelho da Mota

Italian BrainBee (Olimpiadi delle Neuroscienze), Local Committee, University of Brescia, 15th March 2015,by Mariana Coelho da Mota

Talk, 1 h, "Life in Research",  La Martiniere for Girls, Grade 10 Class, Calcutta, India 17th April 2015, by Rittika Chunder

Talk, 1 h, "Life in Research",  La Martiniere for Girls, Grade 12 Class, Calcutta, India 10th April 2015, by Rittika Chunder

Poster presentation, "Autoantibodies to brain epitopes in stroke patients",11th Spring School of Immunology, DGfl, Ettal, 8th -13th March 2015 by Rittika Chunder

first year

Representation of Nencki Institute at “19th Science Picnic 2015", Warsaw, Poland,  9th May 2015, by Wenson David Rajan Karunakaran

Talk, 2 h (including question about the topic, PhD opportunities and nEUROinflammation Network), Blood-Brain Barrier and Immune Cell Inflammation in Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru, 21st March 2015 by E. Omar Chuquisana

Talk, 1 h,  "Scientific research, the possibilities of career development in the field and funding from the EU", E.Amaldi Scientific High School, Alzano Lombardo, Italy, 31st January 2015, by Mattia Gallizioli

Talk, 30 min (+ 30 min questions from students), "On the Way to Your Dream", Linhai Foreign Language School, Linhai, Zhejiang Province, China, 30th December 2014, by Yun Jiang

Talk, 10 min, "How I make the decision to become a scientist and the difficulties I met", during Flag-hoisting Ceremony, Linhai Foreign Language School, Linhai, Zhejiang Province, China , 29th December 2014, by Yun Jiang

Interview in EUROIMMUNblog "Endless possibilities, complex questions, and untested hypothesis-..." 24th November 2014, by Rittika Chunder

Talk, 30 min, "Developing and testing biomarkers", High school ”Kuopion Klassillinen Lukio”, Kupio, Finland, 18th November 2014, by Meike Keuters

Presentation , "Early markers of microglial activation and neural distress", University of Bologna, Italy, 18th November 2014, by Nozha Borjini

Poster Presentation, 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology – ISNI, Mainz, Germany, 9th – 13th November 2014, by Claudio Derada Troletti

Participation Fete de la Science, Exhibition of various models on different biology topics such as neurons, neuronal network, working of brain, Université Caen Basse-Normandie, 17th October 2014 by Anupriya Mehra

Active participation at European Researchers' Night,  University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, 26th September 2014, by Mariana Coelho da Mota

Poster Presentation, 17th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood Brain and Blood-Retina Barriers, Dublin, Ireland, 11th – 13th September 2014,  by Claudio Derada Troletti

Theatre Play, "Das Virus und der verlorene Schuh- ein Märchen über das Immunsystem", Die Nacht der Forschung, Theodor-Kocher-Institut, Bern, Schweiz, 6th September 2014, by Pascale Baden

Talk, 30 min, "Research as a possible career", "School´s open day" at High School Aveiro, Portugal, 25th July 2014 by Marta Joana Costa Jordao