who we are

Early Stage Researchers

Anupriya Mehra
Anupriya Mehra
My project

What is your project/research about?

My projects revolves round the “ Role of NMDA receptors in brain endothelial cells at the Blood Brain Barrier.” We investigate that how NMDA receptors influence the opening of the BBB on molecular dimensions.

Why did you apply for a Marie Curie ITN and especially this project?

I applied for this project because it was absolutely new and an interesting topic to work on. With my previous experience in working on BBB, it was providing more exposure to the inflammation studies. Marie Curie ITN is a well-established, organized and highly oriented program for early stage researchers. The reason why I applied for it, is because it provided me the opportunity to learn on an advanced level, exposure to different work cultures because of the possibility of the secondment and training myself for future with well-equipped workshop in summer schools.

What is so fascinating for you on research in general?

It’s the curiosity of “WHY?” and the possibility of “NEW”.

What do you do in your free time?

In my  free time I have engaged myself with sports and meditation. I also do singing and origami handcrafting.

What are your plans for your future?

I am planning for postdoctoral studies very soon.

Regarding our meetings:

Please give a short summary what you remember about are Network Meetings?

Honestly, there is a lot to remember and not enough space to write it here. But, to mention,

Workshop on good scientific practices, scientific writing, presentation and vocal skills. Brain storming sessions during the workshops were very interesting.

What are the impressions and learnings you take with you from each meeting?

The impression every single time from our meetings was “PROGRESS” and new targets to set. The small scientific meeting always turned out to be eventful and more enthusiasm.

What was the most useful workshop?

Personally, Scientific Writing.

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